
Getting Over A Breakup

Gaes, when a relationship comes to an end, either from ur side or from ur partner, it lets u to stay with  jumble of emotions for many days . It is definitely hard to move on after a breakup . A breakup is never a second's decision . it will surely have a long tail of fights, misunderstandings, rejections and hurts . When reconciliations is not possible, u have to break it up and there is no other go . It makes difficult to be normal in everyday life after losing a beloved person . But it is a must to move with the time and feelings once broken cannot be re-joined . Even if it is done, it will definitely have visible knots in them . So coping with the breakup is what u need to learn . Stop hard feelings and think everything is uncertain in life . Susah kan ? but u need to boiii !! Here are few suggestions to help u move on happily with ur breakup . 1. Let it go Anything is possible in a relationship . And u can't always hold onto something that will never happen. Take a deep b

How To Differentiate Between Controlling Behavior And Genuine Care

An average human being is involved in 5 different types of relationships in his/her life . With different people in our lives holding different relationship values based on one factor ' love ', there are many occasions where we find them doing things to reflect how much they care about us . However, in many toxic relationships, this " care " crosses certain boundaries and begins to choke us . When u're blinded by love, it is often hard to distinguish between what classifies as care and what is repetitive controlling behavior . The trick with controlling behavior is that it has to be recognized early and immediately nipped in the bud . Once u let thing fester, it will be difficult for u to snap things back to shape . Today's blogpost imma be going to help u differentiate between controlling behavior . 1. You are always being put down Do they say thing to u like ? " U don't understand things " " U are stupid for ur age " " I am ju

How To Say " I LOVE YOU "

WITHOUT SAYING ' i love you ' you don't have to say ' I love you ' to say ' I love you ' instead, you could say .. you okay ? i wanted to see you again you've unlocked something in me i understand [you're] quite magical do what's in your heart if anything were to happen to you .. i surely will be sad .. i meant to thank you for your advice i get it. you're a part of " dont ask, dont tell " culture . i'm fine with it and take your time, just promise me that you'll text me when you feel a lil bit okay :) i dont know what to do with these .. you keep them for me i know you feel what i feel even if i did feel something for you .. i'll leave only if only you the one who ask me to i thought " if i just follow the rules, everything's gonna be fine ", and then you come along and push me off that path you never cease to amaze me love ? what ? NO .. it's-it's eh .. sort of a different-it's not .. okay i&

10 Things You Should Know Before Going To KML

Labuan Matriculation College ( KM-HELL ) Making the transition from fifth form to college can be a daunting process for any student. I've been there juniors ngehhh but no worries lemme share some things you should know before going to KML because daymn yall need to be totally ready for this :) P/s : I wrote based on my personal experiences okay 😏   So lets start !! During assimilation week , yall will be asked to gather as early as in formal attire for the whole day 💔 ( STAY STRONG JUNIOR ! ) Yall must own a portable mini-fan and never forget to bring it whenever yall go to Dewan Mutiara for monthly gathering because no mortal can survive the hotness in DM ngehhh 🔥 Even malam pun panas hmmm Yall should bring water heater/printer/vape or whatever barang haram the college have listed during day 1 because that’s the only day you can walk through the guard in one piece with all those stuff, because ndada checking2 time tu YAY 👌 If you’re Catholic and you want to go to church

About Me

WHO . WHAT . WHY Who ? - I am currently still striving to be a better version of me and to  be  honest I don't know what the future hold for me :( but as long as I still woke up to a brand new day, I kn e w God  still  haven't done with me . Same thing goes with you !! My friends call me Steffan Neo as in " stay fun " but you can call me " yours " . YIKES  . Let us not waste any second in our life and make the best out of everything, together  !! Trust me you’ll find something that you never think you’ll need in my blog !! What ? - After thinking since 2014 on what niche my blog should be covering, I’ve decided to just roll with Lifestyle Blog . Why ? -  Simply because I can’t stand with only one niche :( Luckily by being a lifestyle blogger I can cover a lots of topic !! I can smoothly transition the topic from “ What to do during MCO week 14 “ to “ How to steal your sister’s boyfriend “ real fast without messing with my blog algorithm . Nahhh just k