10 Things You Should Know Before Going To KML

Labuan Matriculation College ( KM-HELL )

Making the transition from fifth form to college can be a daunting process for any student. I've been there juniors ngehhh but no worries lemme share some things you should know before going to KML because daymn yall need to be totally ready for this :)

P/s : I wrote based on my personal experiences okay 😏
So lets start !!
  1. During assimilation week , yall will be asked to gather as early as 5.am in formal attire for the whole day 💔 ( STAY STRONG JUNIOR ! )
  2. Yall must own a portable mini-fan and never forget to bring it whenever yall go to Dewan Mutiara for monthly gathering because no mortal can survive the hotness in DM ngehhh 🔥
    Even malam pun panas hmmm

  3. Yall should bring water heater/printer/vape or whatever barang haram the college have listed during day 1 because that’s the only day you can walk through the guard in one piece with all those stuff, because ndada checking2 time tu YAY 👌
  4. If you’re Catholic and you want to go to church , Bus No.6 is your bus every Sunday (Fee : Rm2.50 per trip) . There got two mass , 1st Mass which is in English starts at 7.30.am and the 2nd
     Malay Mass starts at 9.30.am ⛪
    What it feels like in Bus No.6
  5. Monthly allowance is RM250.00 only , use it wisely. I’ve heard that there got student who didn’t spend their allowance and stay alive using the money from their parents and when college’s life end kan, dorang angkat terus Iphone uinah !! Whatever it is , plan your spending with your brain and always prepare an emergency saving because sometimes ada juga tu yang elaun kena extend pigi bulan depan begitu terus kamu terpaksa makan pasir :( So plan your money well ahh
  6. If yall wanna online-shopping , yall CAN by using Dayang Stationary’s address at - Dayang Stationary , Lot A026, Ground Floor Podium, Financial Park Labuan Complex Labuan, 87000 LABUAN . They’ll charge RM2 per parcel and yall need to bring along your IC as a proof when you want to take your stuff . You’ll be informed using SMS when your stuff arrived 😉
    P/s : It's water heater 🙈
  7. The cheapest cafe among all cafes at KML is probably NONE !! but the thing you should be aware is that the male cafe’s food is damn pricey ( cafe A also, even ambil kuah pun mau charge huhhh ) and they serve a same menu everyday like for real 😒 and always prepare 50 cents because the cashier there (known as Abang 50 sen) never forget to add on 50 cents on every purchase like what ? hmm okay . The ‘OKAY’-est cafe based on my personal pov are Cafe MP and Cafe C . Yall can get Tiger Boba at Cafe AB for RM5 and the biggest Ice Blend at Cafe D also for only RM5, others RM5 but small ngehhh not worth it.
    This lunch cost me RM9 hm 
  8. If you’re about to manage something at the student centre, PLEASE WEAR UR SMILE WHEN U GREET EM ‘ Kakak OSC ‘. If those kakak² OSC macam garang² menjawab just keep your head cool and continue asking with ur smile . Actually those kakak² OSC is good and friendly, and they’ve been dealing with a lot kind of student including the ‘kurang-ajar one’ . That’s why dorang pun terikut2 tu kurang-ajar but trust me, the next time you go there kan yall will be treated better or eventually yall will become ‘BESTFRIEND’ . They’ll help you juga tu one day when you’re in trouble . Believe me ! Terutama bila kena block outing due to balik lambat :)
  9. If you have a lots of homework and need to do it during other subject kan, Computer Science's Lab session is the best one. More over if you got Madam Mardawiyah as your CS lecture 👍 She's damn sporting and even extended the practical test due date for me 😋
    I did chemist during CS , the CS worksheet was just a cover 🙈
  10.  If yall have activities outside such as church camp or modelling stuff and the OSC resist on giving you permission to do so DONT WORRY !!  Directly go and consult the Matrix Director. Whatever the Director state they cant reply with no ✌ Back then, I legit want to join this one camp because I need to and the OSC refused to let me go. I went to see the Director and we talk for hours. The camp was actually during study week and the Director said the college wanted me to get a good pointer that's why they did this ( by not letting student attend any activities outside college 1 month before exam ) . Woinah sa bilang , I went savage and I said " My own parents gave me permission but why you guys don't ? I am so damn aware of my ability ( in this case Study la kan takkan magic2 itu nanti ngehhh ) If I am not sure, you think I'll risk my life to come and see you ? Uish ganas jugalah sa time tu sebab ainah kenapalah kalau sa mau aktif luar kolej juga kan ? Boleh gila begia kalau belajar saja dei *facepalm* Make it short, we came to a final decision that they will grant me permission to be away from college and must be back a day before the exam starts. Also they will not be responsible if my pointer went down, I must get a higher pointer than before and finally whatever happened to me during my time off-campus kan was none of their concern. Wuish, I agreed with their terms and ya for that exam I got CGPA 3.92 🙈. See ? If you want something you must fight for it so that you'll not it regret later 🙌 Apa-apa jadi direct terus pengarah sebab position dia lagi tinggi dari any of them there ngeheee 👌 This is my greatest tips I guess ? ngehe don't let it flop 😋

YASHHH THATS IT !! If yall read this entry until this point awww I feel terharu jugalah ada juga yang mau baca2 ( this is the part where you say " Ish okay bah tu " YIKES ) Here's some extras for you 😄

- If you guys want to celebrate birthday or whatever occasion or just literally boring sudah makan makanan KML saja , Yall can order Pizza Ikram ( Pizza Homemade Labuan ) !! Just contact them at WhatsApp on this number ( 011-26115754 ). Trust me the price is so cheap and it's damn worthy 👌 The lowest price is RM10 💥 Contact them for their latest menu and they will send it to you di depan pagar college 💓 + the services is bomb and the Kakak Penjual kan friendly sekali
Find someone who look at you the way I look at my Pizza ? Sempat juga

- Besides pizza yall can also order  grilled food and spaghetti !! Fikir cincai ka tinggal matriks ? TERAAA . You can visit their Instagram page and confirm your order by WhatsApp at ( 014-9507300) 👌 Contact them for their latest menu and daymn you surely will thank me later for telling you this 😉 you're welcome 👌

- If you want to cut your hair( especially for male ) yall should go to 93 Hair Beauty Saloon Labuan ✊ All service comes with affordable price and their workers was fully trained. The owner of this saloon was my personal hairdresser back when I was still orang Labuan 💓 Other saloon will charge RM20+ for male haircut but here it's only RM15 👌 Visit their Facebook page for more info 💇 
Blessed to meet such a kind soul like her ✨

- For all Potterhead, yall can get your magical stuff at Epic Garage , The 1st Harry Potter Shop in Malaysia , I bought my Gryffindor necktie there for only RM25 along with other stuff 😉 Where's the place ? Find it by your own at Financial Park 1st Floor , you can see it if you're not a muggle 🙈 Visit their Facebook page and Instagram for more info about the wizarding world ✨

You finally come this far ✌ Ngehe I hope you have a great college's life and just remember that this all will pass boi 👌
Its not the destination that matters, it's the journey :)
I filmed ' A Day In My Life As A Matriculation Student' here and IT WOULD BE GREAT IF YOU LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL 🙈 Ngehehehehe ✌ I hope you found this entry helpful and go share it with your friends juniors !!

You better follow me on my other social media such as Instagram and Facebook so that u wont miss ur-daily-cup-of-steffan hehehe 😜 See ya  


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