How To Say " I LOVE YOU "

WITHOUT SAYING ' i love you '

you don't have to say ' I love you ' to say ' I love you ' instead, you could say ..

  • you okay ?
  • i wanted to see you again
  • you've unlocked something in me
  • i understand
  • [you're] quite magical
  • do what's in your heart
  • if anything were to happen to you .. i surely will be sad ..
  • i meant to thank you for your advice
  • i get it. you're a part of " dont ask, dont tell " culture . i'm fine with it and take your time, just promise me that you'll text me when you feel a lil bit okay :)
  • i dont know what to do with these .. you keep them for me
  • i know you feel what i feel
  • even if i did feel something for you ..
  • i'll leave only if only you the one who ask me to
  • i thought " if i just follow the rules, everything's gonna be fine ", and then you come along and push me off that path
  • you never cease to amaze me
  • love ? what ? NO .. it's-it's eh .. sort of a different-it's not .. okay i'm hungry
  • we still haven't gone on our first date yet . eih
  • you wanna .. i don't know, get a drink sometime ?
  • i plan to get to know you
  • i hate you  
  • sa mau pigi cuci kain dulu ✨
These are some phrases i learnt through living my life as me and some of them memang cliche la but ya need to believe that telling the other parties that you're about to continue doing your laundry instead of just leave their chat hanging , you know .. ? Like when you chat with someone kan rancak sekali, yang auto bluetick bila sent and suddenly greytick and you just there .. wondering where you did wrong ? then you feels like you just not worth the explanation ? ( uish that's how far my level of overthinking duhhh 🤦‍♂) . After few hours baru dia replied with " Sorry tadi turn sa bei pigi singgarung , siou meti 🙆‍♂ " . Adoiiii 🤦‍♂ That's why communication is important ✨ Tell them whatever you feel , tell me yang kau sedang overthinking or what .. and thats totally okay 🥺 There's nothing wrong on being honest about your feeling ✨ Namun macam lari tajuk sudah sikit adaiii ngehehhh but there's no right or wrong way to say i love you , if all lead to the message of love itself ✨ This entry was based on my own pov ( point of view ) and its true that love is the essence of our life ❤ This entry end here and I'll let you have a thought on your own unique way to say the you-know-what-we-are-talking-about word 😉

If ya reach to this very point of my entry kan , I wanna say thank you for tuning in and people like you guys seriously rare sebab people during this era kan no longer spend their time on reading blog (AKA Internet Magazine) because they rather scroll through socmed bahhh u feel me ? So it just made me feel touched la when I monitor the performance of my blog :") Ngehehehe btw
You better follow me on my other social media such as Instagram and Facebook so that u wont miss ur-daily-cup-of-steffan  hehehe 😜 See ya :)



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