Getting Over A Breakup

Gaes, when a relationship comes to an end, either from ur side or from ur partner, it lets u to stay with  jumble of emotions for many days . It is definitely hard to move on after a breakup . A breakup is never a second's decision . it will surely have a long tail of fights, misunderstandings, rejections and hurts .

When reconciliations is not possible, u have to break it up and there is no other go . It makes difficult to be normal in everyday life after losing a beloved person . But it is a must to move with the time and feelings once broken cannot be re-joined . Even if it is done, it will definitely have visible knots in them .

So coping with the breakup is what u need to learn . Stop hard feelings and think everything is uncertain in life . Susah kan ? but u need to boiii !! Here are few suggestions to help u move on happily with ur breakup .

1. Let it go

Anything is possible in a relationship . And u can't always hold onto something that will never happen. Take a deep breath and say urself let it go . After all u can't keep those who don't want to be kept .. 

2. Get rid of treasured gifts and memories

Gifts and cards from ur lover may kill u again and again. Burn them along with ur feelings . Burn the scarf that he gave u during the last day of summer camp . It takes most off ur pain of a breakup .

3. The pain is normal

Comparison is the thief of joy . - Theodore Roosevelt

No one can be an owner of ur life. u need to be strong to take everything . The pain of breakup has not happened only to u . There are many who have come across the same situation and are still happy with that .

4. Avoid being rash about yourself

Be self-affirmative about urself . U are important for ur life !! Taking killer decisions is totally unfair after a breakup . It creates even more pain to ur family and friends . Jadi nda perlulah mau berkurung di bilik , mau tekanan-tekanan sana sebab kena kasih break . Babe its okay to have sad moment .. Tapi NDA PERLU JUGA SAMPAI MAU SATU BULAN KAN !!! WOIIII BERDIRI BALIK !!

Don't punish urself . Think about ur loved ones before going extreme . and please babe .. DON'T EVER THINK ON COMMITING SUICIDE !! BECAUSE SUICIDE DOESN'T END THE PAIN .. IT JUST PASSED IT TO ANOTHER PERSON :( jangan ah pernah befikiran begitu .. pinky promise !!

5. Do something you love

Keep urself busy with something u love . Move around to ur favorite places with ur friends . Enjoy getting back to ur hobbies . Be filled with positive thinking !!

 Yall might say " Senang la kau cakap , bukan kau yang bercinta " I know .. but I also knew that out of 7 billions people in this world kan, there's someone better out there for you daripada tu ex kau yang kau bilang one of a kind la, yang paling sweet kau pernah kenal . Woinah kau terstuck di tempat yang sama dari dulu babe, cuba kau venture outside world . Bila kau masuk college/university , kau nampak tu yang lagi perform daripada crush yang kau puja-puja during high school . babe there's more out there !! Don't ever low urself only because u feel lonely . Keep that in ur mind ah !!



i asked my instagram fam to give their advices on " HOW TO MOVE ON " and here's their responses ✨

tengs fam !!! vewy helpful ❤


 If ya reach to this very point of my entry kan , I wanna say thank you for tuning in and people like you guys seriously rare sebab people during this era kan no longer spend their time on reading blog (AKA Internet Magazine) because they rather scroll through socmed bahhh u feel me ? So it just made me feel touched la when I monitor the performance of my blog :") Ngehehehe btw

 You better follow me on my other social media such as Instagram and Facebook so that u wont miss ur-daily-cup-of-steffan  hehehe 😜 See ya :)




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