
Showing posts from September, 2020

Getting Over A Breakup

Gaes, when a relationship comes to an end, either from ur side or from ur partner, it lets u to stay with  jumble of emotions for many days . It is definitely hard to move on after a breakup . A breakup is never a second's decision . it will surely have a long tail of fights, misunderstandings, rejections and hurts . When reconciliations is not possible, u have to break it up and there is no other go . It makes difficult to be normal in everyday life after losing a beloved person . But it is a must to move with the time and feelings once broken cannot be re-joined . Even if it is done, it will definitely have visible knots in them . So coping with the breakup is what u need to learn . Stop hard feelings and think everything is uncertain in life . Susah kan ? but u need to boiii !! Here are few suggestions to help u move on happily with ur breakup . 1. Let it go Anything is possible in a relationship . And u can't always hold onto something that will never happen. Take a deep b

How To Differentiate Between Controlling Behavior And Genuine Care

An average human being is involved in 5 different types of relationships in his/her life . With different people in our lives holding different relationship values based on one factor ' love ', there are many occasions where we find them doing things to reflect how much they care about us . However, in many toxic relationships, this " care " crosses certain boundaries and begins to choke us . When u're blinded by love, it is often hard to distinguish between what classifies as care and what is repetitive controlling behavior . The trick with controlling behavior is that it has to be recognized early and immediately nipped in the bud . Once u let thing fester, it will be difficult for u to snap things back to shape . Today's blogpost imma be going to help u differentiate between controlling behavior . 1. You are always being put down Do they say thing to u like ? " U don't understand things " " U are stupid for ur age " " I am ju